Immigrants living in Central Texas have access to a range of programs and initiatives designed to help them become self-sufficient and integrated into their new home. Refugee Services of Texas (RST) provides essential services during the initial resettlement period, such as housing, furniture, case management, employment assistance, and more. They also use a refugee management system to proactively meet the needs of their customers. Volunteer-led programs are available to customers, such as the sewing collective for women and English as a second language classes at home.
Volunteers can help case managers with client services, such as transportation, delivering donations, bus guidance, and other needs. Customers can join volunteer groups for additional support, such as Welcome Teams and Baby Buddies. The Central Valley Immigrant Integration Collaboration (CVIIC) is actively involved in promoting the economic well-being of immigrant families. They have established a mobile distribution pantry at the Manor Lion's Club and are collaborating with Welcoming America to implement a version of the “A Region” initiative that was piloted in the Atlanta metropolitan area.
Catholic Legal Immigration Network (CLINIC) works to protect the rights of immigrants in partnership with a dedicated network of Catholic and community legal immigration programs. The Austin Healthy Adolescent (AHA) Program engages, empowers and collaborates with communities across Travis and Del Valle Counties to help young people take charge of their own health and work to improve the health of their communities. The 78744 Community Youth Development Program is a state-funded program that offers a variety of juvenile delinquency prevention services to support families and improve the positive development of young people in zip code 78744 only. The Travis County Community Center in Del Valle has a licensed social worker available to provide services to Travis County residents who want to develop a plan and make changes in their lives.
Immigrant students with an authorization letter from Breakthrough Central Texas can receive free legal advice from Catholic Charities at its Austin headquarters. The Central Texas Diabetes Coalition's vision is to have a Central Texas community empowered to prevent and control diabetes. The Maternal and Child Outreach Program (MIOP) provides peer support and promotion to black and African-American women in Austin who are pregnant in an effort to address and eliminate marked racial disparities in maternal and infant mortality.